hand shake dealWhen you are buying or selling property in Winnipeg, it is a good idea to get the assistance of a real estate broker. They know the process and they can guide you through it as well as answer any questions you may have. They wear many hats and they strive to make it a personalized experience every single time. They are a bridge between those looking for a home and those that are selling a home.

What do they Offer?

A real estate broker offers services to assist someone that is selling property. These services can include helping to determine a selling price, getting the property ready for sale, taking photos and videos for marketing purposes. They can provide tips to help someone sell their home faster. They can also offer an open house to get lots of people to check out the property on a given date.

They also work with potential buyers by talking with them to identify what they are looking for, price range, and even location of a home. When such properties are on the market, they can help the potential buyer by showing them videos, photos, or even taking them to the home to walk through it.

Regardless of which side they are on – working with a buyer or a seller – they will help with contracts. This includes when a potential buyer wants to make an offer on the property. If they are working with the seller, then they can read through a contract with an offer that has been presented. They can also discuss with the seller about accepting the offer, declining the offer, or providing a counter offer.


Real estate brokers want to offer services to both buyers and sellers. They enjoy the thrill and the challenge of this particular type of career. It takes organization skills, networking, and a zest for working with people. They make money by entering into a contract with a seller. They will get a commission which is a percentage of the dollar amount of the sell price. Since they get paid on commission, they have to be highly motivated.


Once a real estate licensing program in Canada has been completed, the individual can apply for licensing. This is through the Manitoba Securities Commission. The application must be sent with a fee of $125. A complete background check will also be conducted. It can take up to 48 hours from submission to be completed.

Once the license is approved, the individual can find a brokerage company that they will join. It is rare that someone will start out on their own. However, it is possible to branch out independently later on after establishing abilities and contacts. Anyone that is employed by a brokerage company will need to register with the local real estate board.


The housing market in Winnipeg as well as the rest of Canada is very good. Becoming a real estate broker can be a wonderful career. It is a way to make money, a way to meet people, and a way to feel great about helping people to buy the home they dreamed about or to sell property they no longer need. It is also a wonderful way to help with the overall economic well-being of the area.